Живі. Всупереч

• Finalist novel "Coronation of the Word"
• Based on real events
Makar and his wife Vira are used to working tirelessly. Daughters were taught the same thing. That's why they lived in abundance, because they earned it with sweat and blood. And then collectivization. Everything became a collective farm. Dissident kulaks who did not want to give theirs were sent to hard labor. So it happened with Makar. And his wife Vera, along with her children and other compatriots, were taken to the Urals and thrown in the middle of the forest - with a dozen axes and several packs of matches. The Wardens will later return for the survivors. They will take the men to the woodshed. Everything will be taken away again.
This is a dramatic and true story of the author's family. His family survived dispossession and hunger, exile and hard labor, war and post-war ruin. Like hundreds of others murdered, maimed by the "goods" of the Soviet government. Everything was taken away from them: home, family, peace, the right to manage their own destiny. But where everything is taken away, one desire remains - to survive. Despite all. And live. Contrary to.
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