Життя з метою. Заради чого я живу?

Translated into 85 languages of the world, the book "Life with a purpose" is much more than just a book. This is a guide with which you will go through 42 days of an unforgettable spiritual journey. As soon as you start this journey, you will realize that you will never be the same again. This book will reveal to you the true life for which you were born. You will find answers to the three most important questions in life.
Questions of existence:
Why do I live?
Question of meaning:
What is the meaning of my life?
Purpose question:
What do I, after all, live for?
The purpose for which you were created is far greater than your efforts to "exist on this earth" or "be successful." You did not appear on earth by chance. Your life is not a coincidence. Even long before the creation of the universe, God was already thinking about you, He planned your birth in order to fulfill His plans. His love for you is boundless, and it lasts much longer than the few decades you will spend on earth. After all, you were created to live forever! You were created to be with God!