Закони переможців. Як здійснити свої мрії

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Шефер Б.
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Why, in the same conditions, someone lives boringly and considers himself mediocre, while someone constantly improves and always achieves what he wants? How to create for yourself the life you dream of? There is no secret here: you just have to become a winner, and many people succeed. They were able to develop their strengths, overcome the path of the winner, the path to success and personal freedom. And Bodo Schaefer will help to go through this path, moreover, very productively, because he has considerable experience: he himself went bankrupt when he was 26 years old, and already 4 years later he was living on interest from his own capital. One of his first seminars was attended by only five people, and in a short time thousands began to come.

Bodo Schaefer's book inspires not to give up, to work on yourself and not to be afraid of mistakes, to draw a picture of your life every day. Because life is too short to be nobody, so it's better to be a winner.

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Шефер Б.
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Видавництво Старого Лева
Пилипчук Олена
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