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Dimensions (LxWxH):
210×150×13 mm
320 g
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Гібсон Ліндсі К.
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This book is an important continuation of "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents". In it, Lindsay Gibson offers effective tools to help you recognize the first signs of emotional absorption and protect yourself from them. You will learn to act so that others see your needs and understand your emotions. You will finally be able to free yourself from the pressure of emotionally immature parents.

If you were raised by emotionally immature parents, you may feel alone and rejected. As an adult, you may have trouble setting boundaries and expressing your feelings. You may unconsciously seek out emotionally immature people and try to build relationships with them. Parents, even though they have grown old, may still treat your expressions of emotion with mockery and contempt, despise your thoughts, devalue your sense of inner freedom, and try to control you. That is, they show all the qualities of emotionally immature people: selfishness, inconsistency and contradiction. Is it possible to heal from the effects of such a toxic attitude?

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Гібсон Ліндсі К.
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