Чорнобиль. Історія ядерної катастрофи

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Плохій С.
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This book is the first history of the Chernobyl disaster from the explosion on April 26, 1986 to the closure of the station in December 2000. What was Chernobyl for Ukraine? A national tragedy, a huge psychological trauma, a heavy burden for the economy. Chernobyl exploded not only because of personnel errors, neglect of safety rules and problems with the design of the reactor, but also because of a system that surrounded nuclear power with a veil of secrecy. The Soviet system did not allow the dissemination of information about previous accidents even among specialists. This made a new large-scale accident inevitable. Today, Chernobyl-type reactors are no longer being built, but authoritarian regimes that have complete control over information still exist. After all, almost 50% of all electricity is still produced in Ukraine at nuclear plants. We have a lot to share with the world about the Chernobyl experience, but we also have a lot to think about ourselves.

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Плохій С.
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