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430 g
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Sensitivity is your superpower!

"Highly sensitive" - who is it about? About empathetic people who react acutely to various stimuli, tire quickly, subtly perceive works of art, easily adopt someone else's mood... And just as easily these people can become victims of narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, "emotional vampires" and others not too pleasant personalities seeking attention and influence.

Learn more from the new book by Shagida Arabi, an American psychologist who specializes in the study of abusive behavior. After reading, you will not only be able to recognize such toxic relationships in time, but you will also know what to do next - how to protect yourself and restore the lost balance.

Why should you buy:

  • At the end of the last century, a new concept - high sensitivity - appeared in psychology. It refers to empathetic people who react acutely to various stimuli and are easily manipulated by toxic people who imperceptibly penetrate our social bubble and have a destructive effect on our entire lives. Communicating with an intrusive friend, a picky boss, or a tactless relative, we feel tired, uncomfortable, and background tension that exhausts and spoils the mood.
  • The author of the publication is a well-known American psychologist who experienced emotional abuse and cruel bullying in childhood. Based on her own experience, she formulated effective tips and recommendations that will help highly sensitive people focus on self-care, restore lost balance, and most importantly - establish healthy boundaries and protect themselves from the five main types of toxic people.
  • A special exercise for the diary has been developed for each chapter of the book. They are designed to support you on your journey to better self-esteem, healing, and setting healthy boundaries. The book also comes with a booklet with useful diagrams, designed in such a way that you can print them out at will and have them in front of your eyes more often.

Interesting Facts:

  • Shagida Arabi is an M.A. graduate with honors from Columbia University and the author of three bestsellers, including Becoming the Narcissist's Nightmare and Power. Her work has been featured in Psychology Today, Psych Central, Salon, HuffPost, Bustle, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the New York Daily News, Thought Catalog, and VICE Media Group. .

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