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This book, filled with modern realities and the most relevant psychological approaches and ideas, has survived six reprints. It collects all the most common parenting mistakes, as well as developed valuable practical advice on how to avoid these mistakes, what stereotypes in relationships with a child should be gotten rid of as soon as possible, what methods are really effective and constructive, how to build relationships correctly, and what should be changed in yourself to give the child a chance to change for the better.

After six reprints, the book "How we spoil our children and how to stop doing it" by child and family psychologist Natalia Tsarenko has become an improved collection of the most common, one might say, textbook mistakes in parenting. From the height of her professional and parental experience, the author literally lays out all the false beliefs that can harm a small personality, whose outlook and moral principles are just beginning to form. In this edition, each parent will recognize their favorite pedagogical techniques, which, it turns out, are destructive for a trusting and harmonious relationship with a child. This collection is a reliable assistant and a wise adviser for everyone who wants to create a favorable atmosphere in the family. The book shatters stereotypes about parenting: what seemed to be a proven and effective method is actually nothing more than an unfortunate mistake that can lead to negative consequences over time. Nataliya Tsarenko's work not only points out shortcomings and mistakes in relationships with children, but also suggests ways to overcome them and encourages positive changes.

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Black and white
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Косенко Н.
Year of publication
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