Украдене щастя (Нове оформлення)

The comprehensively gifted, encyclopedically educated Ivan Franko (1856–1916) is known not only as a poet, novelist, and playwright, but also as a literary critic, translator, publicist, and scientist. He drew plots for his works from the life and struggle of his native people, from the primary sources of world culture. The writer is often called a titan of work. During his entire career, he published seven collections of poetry and a whole series of poems, wrote about 15 dramas, translated works of world classics from 14 languages: Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Zola, Pushkin, Lermontov, Mickiewicz, Yan Neruda and others. His prose includes more than 100 short stories, short stories, 10 novels and novellas. This collection includes Ivan Franko's poems and poems, the socio-psychological novel "Crossroads", the famous drama "Stolen Happiness".