Розвиток мовлення. Сучасні методики комплексного розвитку особистості

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Dimensions (LxWxH):
260×200×5 mm
210 g
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Уварова Т.
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The notebook is intended for work with children of younger preschool age (4th year of life) and is aimed at expanding and enriching children's speech experience , forming their phonemic hearing, coherent speech, replenishing and activating vocabulary. The material of the notebook will help the child develop stability and concentration of attention, improve memory and increase its volume, duration and accuracy. Also, the child will be able to practice thinking, learning to analyze, compare, generalize, etc.

The publication is based on current programs for the development of children of younger preschool age. The content of the proposed tasks is coordinated with the Basic Component of Preschool Education (edition of 2012). The task is designed taking into account the principle of integration (that is, a comprehensive approach, when the speech tasks include material from natural science, social science, elementary mathematics, logic). In addition, other principles of the organization of educational and cognitive activities are taken into account: interest and availability of educational material, clarity, systematicity, consistency, repetition and gradual complication. The playful nature of the tasks will contribute to the development of children's positive motivation and interest in the educational process. Lessons from the notebook can be conducted both individually and with a group of children.

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Уварова Т.
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