Хроніки незвіданих земель. Збірка оповідань

"Each story in this collection by famous Ukrainian women writers, participants of the literary YouTube project "Fantastic talk(s)" is a kind of signpost on the time-space map of Ukraine. 15th year BC, 1540th, 1941th, beginning XXIII century... "Chronicles of unexplored lands" will take you to different eras and corners of our country (and even its space settlements). Everywhere - under the ancient sands of the Black Sea coast, in the castle walls of Podillia, under the black gold layers of Donetsk region, on the ancient streets of Lviv and even on the Ukrainian station on the satellite of Mars - a discovery awaits you.For someone it will be the unraveling of a mystical history, for someone it will be enlightenment from ancient history, and for someone it will be an understanding of the history that Ukrainians are writing right now.