Перспективи української революції

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Бандера Степан
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"Perspectives of the Ukrainian Revolution" is a collection of articles by Stepan Bandera, published in Munich in 1978. Unlike other reprints, this book includes a foreword by O. Sych, a glossary of rarely used, obscure and dialect words, name and geographical indexes. Also, with the help of QR codes, the reader will be able to get to the online media library, where digitized editions of the middle of the last century, in which the author was published, have been collected. And there you can see dozens of images related to the life of Stepan Bandera and the activities of the OUN, and even hear the living speech of the Guide.

The book "Perspectives of the Ukrainian Revolution" was created for those who want to learn more about life, dispel myths and better understand the worldview of Stepan Bandera.

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