П`ять колосків. Голодомор. Історії, як зникали українці

It was a long time ago. The steppes and graves have already become overgrown with nothingness. And such books should have existed a long time ago, but we, Ukrainians, did not have such a right, because we lived in a huge "happy" state called the Soviet Union - a prison of nations. Time passes, the last witnesses of the events of the middle of the 20th century are already passing away, and we, the descendants of the survivors, the descendants of the survivors, are gathering their memories one by one. Do not forget, do not lose, remember.
The stories described here are the stories of real, living children who knew how to play and help their parents, dreamed of something, disliked something, and sometimes were not obedient. In short, these stories are the stories of the most ordinary children, told by them or their relatives. And if they asked me if I knew these people, my answer would be: "Yes." Two of the storytellers are the grandmothers of my good friends, and one is mine, because there are no people in Ukraine whose families were not touched by the terrible word "Holodomor".
I don't want a good read. I wish you a wise reading, dear reader or dear reader. Let there be peace on our beautiful land and children will never know grief.
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