Книжка про мозок і те, як він працює

This is an interactive illustrated book, a journey through the recesses of the human brain. For inquisitive readers of primary school age.
Do you know where thoughts come from? Are you interested in learning how we learn to do things like ride a bike or memorize poems?
All this happens thanks to our brain, which performs so many tasks, as if there is a city inside, full of people and mechanisms. Dr. Betina Ip will guide each reader to his own warehouse of memory, art-gallery of emotions, tell how we see pictures with our eyes and in our imagination, or how we choose ice cream and not only about that. Here you can find out what happens in the brain during sleep, what is inside the eye, how anxiety occurs, what you need to do to better remember what you were asked to study at school, about people who study the brain and answers to dozens of other questions. Importantly, the information is presented in the form of an engaging narrative with many pictures and diagrams, much more interesting and less complicated than in some textbooks.