Богдан Ігор Антонич — дітям
Bohdan Ihor Antonych spent a few years in literature. He lived for 28 years. His work falls on an incomplete decade, namely the thirties of the 20th century. B. I. Antonych did not have time to compile a separate book for children, even a cycle, although he sent several poems to children's magazines. But his poetry is so beautiful, often childishly naive, gullible, that it deserves to be selected from it for young readers as well. You can always be fascinated by them, whether you are a child or an adult. What is completely new in the proposed book is an excerpt from the Poet's prose (the unfinished novel "On the Other Shore"), which describes the journey in the forest of two schoolboys who got lost from the band. Probably, one of those boys was Bohdan Ihor Antonych himself.