The Fiancée

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Dimensions (LxWxH):
215×145×215 mm
300 g
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Over a certain period, while on frequent business trips, the author communicated with various people and observed that many of them lacked faith in themselves, in a comradely shoulder, in the power of goodness. This prompted the author to describe in the genre of a phantasmagorical novel — the story of the struggle between good and evil, based on a Ukrainian folk tale that was passed down from generation to generation in his family.

Oleksandr nursed his idea to write a novel for many years. However, the final decision came to him during the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine (February 24, 2022). Exactly then Oleksandr, a resident of the northern outskirts of the capital, where the route to Irpin, gutted by the enemy, together with his friends began to help those people, who remained or could not leave, in particular persons from the most unprotected representatives of population — the elderly, the disabled, and the sick.

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Dennis plus
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