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Малярчук А.
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Speech defects in children 2-4 years old occur quite often, but they are not necessarily due to a violation of their development. For example, the child does not have sufficient command of his speech-motor apparatus (lips, teeth, tongue, etc. does not know how to arrange the pronunciation of a certain sound correctly). With the help of this guide, parents will be able to deal with this problem themselves.

By working with the child according to this manual for 10–20 minutes four to five times a week, parents will be able to correct the pronunciation of distorted sounds, develop phonemic (speech) hearing; enrich the child's vocabulary by clarifying the meaning of words and learning new ones; to teach the child to give a complete answer to questions, to form the ability to construct speech grammatically correctly; develop logical thinking, attention, memory.

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Малярчук А.
Number of pages
Publishing house
Літера ЛТД
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