Гуляйпільський батько

"Father of Gulyajpil" . Klym Polishchuk (1891–1937) is a writer of the Shot Renaissance era, who was destroyed in the Sandarmoh tract along with hundreds of other writers, scientists, artists and political figures. His fascinating novel "The Gulyajpil father" about Nestor Makhn , whom the author saw personally, is the first in Ukrainian literature. Klym Polishchuk's novels were highly appreciated by Osyp Turyansky, writing: "Polishchuk's language is very beautiful. The same can be said about it as about Kotsiubynskyi, when reading which a Dnipro resident says that it is the pure language of Great Ukraine, and a Galician has the impression that they speak the same way in Galicia. This is the secret of a single literary language... This is the literary face of Klym Polishchuk : an original psychologist, a powerful painter of the secret tremors of the human soul, a poet of struggle and faith in the sun." The novel takes place during the civil war. Power on the territory of Ukraine is changing at such a speed that it is impossible to get used to it - UNR, "Makhnovists", "Greens", "Whites", "Reds". Each power controls some part and fights for the opportunity to rule over the entire territory of the torn country. And what a difficult fate the heroes of the novel have - to live, love and fight in times of crazy changes.